Your journey is not going to be defined by what went your way, it’s going to be defined by what you did when it didn’t.



Listen up this is an important announcement!! The health and fitness journey is a process and a journey within itself. Restructuring your health goals, takes time!

And yes, you will fall and get back up and fall & get back up again, and fall and get back up and finally walk the walk or dance the dance. Make sure to have fun along the way!!!

We are here to better ourselves and not for perfection.

There is no overnight magic.

No magic pills.

It is a process and it does take time, keep at it every day keep stacking your positive healthy habits and without realizing, you’ve taken on healthy patterns without considering them, as they will be implemented in your routine and you will get there!!! Some motivation tips to help you along the way:

Tip #1- Get an accountability partner, it could even be yourself because you do not want to disappoint even yourself.

#2 Make sure to have lots of fun and enjoy the process. Knowing it’s a journey, then you enjoy every moment, every workout (for the great vibes), and the food (for feeding your body and soul)

#3 drink drink drink lots of water – ha!! You thought I’d say vodka – that’s for weekends ( balance & moderation are key and that’s tip #4 )

Tip #5- The meals you eat need to be delicious, make sure you plan them in advance, even if you don’t plan in advance at least fantasize about what you’ll make that will be delicious & nutritious.

Are you struggling to get on a healthy lifestyle Journey?

If so, let’s start a conversation on finding balance so we can help each other, since together we are stronger and if you have found balance, go ahead and share your Journey.

With love

xoxo Ilanit