Has balance become such a lofty goal that seems unable to attain?



A good place to start is to find balance in your overall healthy lifestyle – aka your Body Mind and Soul, as they are all interconnected, and affect each other tremendously.

For example, stress can causing negative thinking and can lead to physical strain, pain or illness. It’s important to maintain a healthy balance between your mind, body, and soul by nurturing your whole self, including your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs.

A couple of tips GetFitIma suggest are:

1- Gratitude and positive mindset:

Starting your day with thankful thoughts & positive affirmations, you will feel the tranquility & harmony within. The best and only way to be positive is to be grateful. Gratitude provides relief and the proper perspective.

Establishing a healthy dialogue between our thoughts & our actions will bring you the proper perspective and approach to situations.

2- Feed yourself with foods that serves you. Make it colorful and fresh. That’s right, food has a huge effect on our overall well-being. By fueling with healthy and nutrient dense foods, you will feel energized, rested, have clarity of mind and so much more. Many studies have shown the direct link between eating junk food and chronic depression, anxiety and many other diseases- what you put in your body is fundamental.

3- Move your Body:

Exercise offers incredible benefits to your overall health. Such powerful bonuses of exercise have been documented such as slowing down the ageing process, bringing down cholesterol, adding muscles mass, bone density, strength & endurance. Keeping your mind vital and body young and promoting emotional wellbeing. Exercise can reverse the harmful effects of stress & anxiety.

The key is to start slowly, and in a complete fitness program which includes cardiovascular conditioning, strength training & stretching, find something you enjoy and do it 3-5 times a week for 20 minutes to 1/2 hr. a day. Impress yourself to how quickly you increase your endurance, strength and enthusiasm.

4- Sleep : Critical in balancing our body, mind  soul on a daily basis is sleep and keeping to a sleep schedule.

Overnight, the body’s renewal of cells take place as you rest, the digestive system is also resting, the brain is partially active, which is why we feel so refreshed when we awake.

The goal we have established at GetFitIma is the

Balance between

The body

The mind


The soul

But the fun part is the Journey that gets you there.

Which one of these suggestions are you excited to incorporate into your daily life? Share your thoughts and feelings, how do you find balance ?