Running with Purpose:



Overcoming Challenges and Representing Kindness in the Jerusalem Marathon

I wanted to share a little bit about what went down on Friday in Jerusalem for the Marathon- I ran representing and collecting funds in support of Just One Chessed they are an incredible organization that does just that Chessed (acts of Kindness) where it is needed. So we showed up at Gan Sacker at 6:30am the seminay girls ( here in Israel for theit gap year) we’re running a 5km and since it was their first ever marathin were nervous and so we gave them a quick fun warm up with great music and vibes to send them on their way. 

Then by 9:30am it was time for the 10KM- people to get to the starting line and it was a great start until my dciatica got the best of me- and if you ever had sciatica before than you get me. It didn’t keep me from walking, dancing and jogging through the beautiful streets of Jerusalem. You see there are many organizations running and supporting different causes but what got to me- was the moment I saw teenage kids pushing sick kids in wheelchairs- did I start coaching myself ( yes I do coach others but here came the time to give myself a dose of my own medicine) and so I pushed through till the finish line. That was a proud moment because of the challenges that came about, and it made me appreciate my surrounding and my ability to walk or run, and more so when seeing the wheelchairs whize by me – got me to appreciate my health. 

You are probably wondering why I am telling you all of this- well cause these are the moments we take on as lessons to carry-on as we get stronger. these are the lessons we do not want to forget, because they are blessings in discuise.

Running a marathon is no easy feat, but running one through the streets of Jerusalem, the holy city of gold, is an experience like no other. As someone who was born in Jerusalem but left at a young age, being able to return and run in this city was a dream come true. But what made this experience even more special was the fact that I was able to run for an amazing nonprofit organization called Just One Chesed. I ran together with other empowering super mamas Naomi Nachman, Melinda Strauss, Yaffa Palti, and Liba Yoffe.

Just One Chesed is an organization that promotes kindness and helps those in need. Their mission is to spread love and positivity throughout the world, one act of kindness at a time. And to be able to support such a wonderful cause through my own efforts was truly an honor.

Throughout my run, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude. The support I received from friends, family, and even strangers as I made my way through the city was truly heartwarming. But more importantly, I felt grateful for the opportunity to make a positive change in the world through supporting Just One Chesed.

And this experience has inspired me to continue spreading kindness and making a difference in the world. Whether it’s through volunteering, supporting amazing organizations like Just One Chesed, or simply spreading love and positivity whenever I can, I know that I can help to make the world a better place.

So I encourage anyone reading this to do the same. Take a moment to reflect on the kindness you’ve experienced in your life and think about how you can pay it forward. Whether it’s a small gesture or a big one, every act of kindness can make a world of difference. And if you’re looking for an incredible organization to support, I highly recommend Just One Chesed. Together, we can all make the world a better and kinder place.

With all my love

health & happiness xoxo

Coach Ilanit