4 Tips to Set Yourself up to Success



Setting yourself up for success by setting goals is a great way to keep you motivated; no matter what types of goals you are setting yourself up for, once you achieve your goal in one aspect of your life, all aspects of your life get leveled up!

The first step is to recognize and understand that it’s not about a quick fix but maintenance and a long-term solution. Therefore acknowledging and understanding it takes a few weeks before they become habits, so you need to get the mindset “I can do this!” and stick with it!

Next is to check your attitude; that’s right, I tell my ladies that having the right attitude is vital to your success….with anything! You must believe that you’re worth the effort! So, if you think negatively when you look in the mirror, shift your negative energy into positive and compliment yourself instead! We all have things we would like to improve about ourselves (yes, even me!), so focus on a positive attitude, what you want to accomplish, and what your goals are!

Here are some of my tips for setting goals and succeeding in achieving them

1) Be realistic– In my coaching with my fit Beauties, we use the SMART principle, which is an acronym for (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Actionable, and Time-Bound). Have you decided to start working out to get back into shape, went all-in, and then fell off within a few days because you just weren’t ready for it? Creating a SMART plan is making small steps that lead to the end goal, which helps you avoid any downfall and provide you with mini-wins along the way! Want to start a workout routine? Then begin by committing to 20 minutes a day, 3-4 times a week for the first week, then move up to 25 to 30 minutes. Small Steps- Big Goals.

2) Schedule your Workouts in like appointments and show up. At the beginning of the week, open up your schedule or phone calendar, block in time, and mark down what you will be working on, such as strength training or Cardio. Also include the body parts. That way, the time comes, your alarm rings or your time is blocked on your schedule will let you know what has to be done. We do this since it is easy to fall into traps that prevent you from achieving your goals, such as; vacation days, social or work obligations, family events, or even weather. We don’t want any of these to get in the way and prevent you from achieving your goals.

3) Track Your Progress- Setting your intentions for the week is one thing, by tracking your progress allows you to stick to those intentions. It will enable you to receive the dopamine of setting a goal; even a little check mark marking a 20-minute workout will do that to your brain. Keeping track of your goals, feelings, obstacles, and success will set you up for win to keep going if you write down or checked off the scheduled workout and how you felt when you were done with it. Same with your nutrition; should you start writing down the foods you ate and how you felt after each meal or snack, you can deduce what foods make you feel energized and healthful and what foods end up making you feel sluggish. Then- begin to swap those energizing foods into your meal plan.

4) Celebrate your wins- This is my favorite part of setting my fit beauties up for success, as it is through rewarding yourself that you will stay motivated. My coaching program has weekly check-ins, usually at the end of the week. A win can be anything from losing some inches to eating healthier by prioritizing protein by every meal, staying hydrated by drinking at least 2-3liters of water a day, or just showing up to your scheduled workouts. You will create those healthy habits by having something to look forward to. A reward could be anything that makes you feel good, from purchasing a new sports bra to raising a glass of wine to your commitment; you will be genuinely motivated to keep going!

Yes, we live in choice, so you hold the power to decide whether you will go for it or give up!! Know that I believe you can, and so does your creator- we say that daily as we awake and say “Modah Ani…that we are thankful and especially that our Creator believes in us.”

You are worth it and you too can commit to a healthy way of life, with lots of healthy energy, and with a true feeling of empowerment over your nutrition, fitness and mindset, a history of failure does not come from a lack of dedication but, too often, from a lack of support – apply here to get coached and supported and set yourself up for success.

xoxo Coach Ilanit M.S., CNS, CPT