Top 5 Ways To Feel Good and Reduce Bloating

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Doesn’t that uncomfortable, bloated feeling in your tummy just dampen your spirits? We’ve all been there, and it’s no fun trying to ignore it or hide the discomfort. The good news is, there are practical ways to prevent bloating from happening in the first place, and I’m here to share some helpful tips with you.

We’ll delve into the reasons behind bloating and explore effective strategies to avoid it altogether. Once you grasp these preventive measures, you can bid farewell to that bothersome bloating and regain control of your well-being. So, let’s dive in and discover how to tackle bloating head-on, leaving you feeling light, comfortable, and ready to embrace each day with confidence.

What Is Bloating?

Bloating is when your belly feels swollen after eating. Bloating can often cause pain, discomfort, and a “stuffed” feeling. It can also make your stomach look a lot bigger than it is.

It is normal to be irregular from time to time, or specifically after the holidays, which can make you feel bloated. Specific foods can cause it, not drinking enough water, sudden changes in your nutrition, and eating under stress.

A diet high in processed food and added sugar can eliminate the beneficial bacteria in the gut. The resulting imbalance can cause increased cravings for sugar, further damaging the gut. An unhealthy amount of unrefined sugar, especially high-fructose corn syrup, leads to inflammation.

Recognizing the Body’s Signals

The body is brilliant and will be the first to let you know when undigested food is getting in the way leading to much discomfort; some of the signs may be; not feeling great and bloating after a meal. Further, feeling sluggish and tired, needing energy, and reaching out for caffeine throughout your day are just a few of your body’s warnings for some help.

When this happens, your metabolism and digestive system slow down; therefore, your energy needs to work overtime to produce more energy to break down a simple meal. Now add acne to the mix since the body cannot absorb the nutrients, like certain specific vitamins like vitamin A, E, and K, which are required to function correctly and stay healthy.

Picture of healthy pancakes with healthy food

Effective Strategies to Alleviate Bloating and Feel Your Best

But wait, there’s good news and even greater news… are you ready for the stop ‘the bloat’ hacks?

Oh!! And the added bonus…I include the Torah sources that provide guidance and proof of these tips being awesome to help you!

Tip #1

Let’s start with our Jewish Sources; the Rambam recommends that we walk before and/or after a meal. Going for a walk or any movement stimulates the digestive system; grab your comfortable shoes and go for that brisk walk or run around the block before and/or after dinner.

Tip #2

Let’s move things along (literally for better bowel movement) in your digestive tract and ease that feeling of sluggishness. Eat more Fiber, such as delicious fruits and vegetables, by every meal since they are high in fiber. And since the “Holy One, blessed be He, from the very beginning of the creation of the world was before all else occupied with planting, as is proved by the text, “And first of all, the Eternal.

God planted a Garden in Eden” (Bereshit 2:8)

Tip #3

Hydrate between meals and not while enjoying your meal. Drink half an hour before and half an hour after your meals. Water is involved in many vital functions in the body and is essential for good digestion. It helps flush out waste from the body, which aids digestion, helps you digest food more effectively, and helps the body absorb nutrients.

Tip #4

Reduce your sugar intake. This includes refined white sugars and carbohydrates, as these may potentially feed disease bacteria in the gut and cause dysbiosis (imbalance between good and bad bacteria).

We need a clear path to detox from sugar, to break the addictive cycle of carb and sugar cravings that robs us of our health. And it only takes 7 days. We need science, not willpower, to reverse this.

Graphic who says "ditch the sugar to better health" with donuts and cakes

Tip #5

Eat when you are calm and learn to be more mindful. During stress, your body shuts down digestion and diverts blood away from your torso and into your limbs so you can run from danger. The gut is directly linked to the brain via the gut-brain axis, so your emotional landscape will directly impact the health of your gut. Starting your day with three espresso shots and getting stressed is the worst thing you can do for your digestion.

Grabbing breakfast on the run and eating while you walk will often lead to bloating. The next time you eat, switch off the TV, put down the phone, and focus on chewing. Slowing down your eating speed will benefit and enhance digestion. It’s all about rest and digestion at its best.

Overcoming Bloating with Simple and Effective Steps

I hope these simple, actionable steps help you relieve bloating and feel much better. At least you know that when you are bloated, it’s a good indication that one of your most essential systems has been under pressure, slowed, weakened, and become stagnant. It means it’s time for a Sugar Detox to energize your digestion and empower your gut health.

Invest in your health and unlock your true potential. Reach out to us to schedule a consultation and embark on a transformative journey towards optimal fitness and well-being.

With lots of love, health and happiness

xoxo Ilanit BA, CNC