My Morning Routine

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Whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, we all start our day at some point. And we all seem to start it differently.

Some of us hop online to check social media, others dive in to email, still others eat breakfast, exercise, or pack lunches for the kids. There’re a million different ways a morning could go.

Which morning routine suits you has to do with your lifestyle, however these are tips for helping you get inspired

“What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.” Ralph Marston

Sharing my morning routine with you to inspire you to create your own ❤️:
❤️Morning hydration is to be taken seriously as we sleep we don’t drink for several hours, we awaken dehydrated. Think of drinking at least 1 liter as you awaken.
❤️Collagen with coffee
As a great protein supplement to help with skin, improve joint health & helps with gastrointestinal distress.
❤️Pray- For an attitude of gratitude
❤️Meditation- or Hitbodedut has so many emotional & spiritual benefits; gaining new perspective on stressful situations, building skills to manage stress, increasing self-awareness, focusing on the present, reducing negative emotions, creating communication with your creator..
❤️Journal : keeps your thoughts organized,
set & achieve your goals, relieves stress, allows you to self reflect…
❤️Breakfast- usually protein based like a protein shake, or eggs to keep me satiated for longer.

Here’s a video of what my morning routine looks like;

Let me know what other tips & tricks you want to learn to take on for a healthy balanced & sustainable lifestyle.
It’s not about being perfect but about progressing towards a better YOU xoxo 😘

All my love 😍