There is more to life than increasing its speed

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Sometimes we want to get to our Goals so badly that we forget to enjoy the Journey. That being said as a Fitness, nutrition and lifestyle Coach I get the same question asked,

“I’m doing everything I’m supposed to, how come I’m not loosing weight?”

“I want more energy, never mind working out, what else can I do?”.

Here are some tips for you!!!

1- STRESS- First things first, it’s a process, it’s a process, it’s a process !!!

it takes time and it’s about creating healthy habits so you may feel better and not just about the numbers on a scale.

Yes!! Once you relax and let go of the Mindset that’s all about the numbers on the scale (aka it’s not a FAD DIET but about learning & taking on healthy habits) things will fall into place. And about the number on a scale, it goes much deeper than that, we measure the metabolic age (your fitness level & strength), your BMI, bones, muscles all that are to be taken into consideration.

2- Your sleep schedule is off,

So if you’re getting less than 7 hours a night, than your hormones that control your appetite and hunger can get thrown off. Make it a point to try to get plenty of sleep.

3- Are you hungry or are you thirsty? Not drinking enough water can leave you dehydrated and feeling hungry. Don’t enjoy drinking water? No problem add some flavor by adding mint, blueberries, lemon, cucumber whatever you fancy to keep you hydrated. (An added bonus to youthful skin).

4- You don’t eat enough or wait too long to eat. When you space out your meals too much, your metabolism slows down. As a result you may overeat on your next meal cause you’re too HANGRY. Solution – pack up your favorite snacks in your purse or car so you always have something to munch on that will keep your metabolism and energy up!!

5- Meal plan- It’s worth your time to plan out your meals and healthy snacks so you’re not tempted to grab something on the go that’s not serving you. Don’t have time to meal plan-no problem at least fantasize about your next meal and what you will enjoy most.

Remember it’s a process, yet if you want to kick-start your Journey, the motivation you need is HERE.

Let’s work on getting rid of the Diet Mentality that plays with our metabolism so much and learn the habits to take on healthy lifestyle changes, it’s a process so be patient, let yourself be led to a happier healthier YOU.

– Ilanit xoxo

GetFitIma (GFI Team)